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3D stickers with premium pictures of over 230 dog breeds


  • Arch with six 3D labels diameter of 50 mm
  • Arch with four 3D labels diameter of 70 mm
  • Arch with two 3D labels diameter of 100 mm
  • A 3D sticker with diameter of 150 mm
  • A 3D sticker with diameter of 300 mm

Please note that dog breeds displayed on the small photos are illustrative. Chosen variant of product will be delivered with the selected dog breed. 6 pieces with 2 inches diameter product version contains two of the stickers with I LOVE design and variant with 4 pieces / 2.75 inches diameter has one sticker with I LOVE design.


3D sticker Pumi 101 C

Availability: In stock

3D sticker is colourfast thanks to the UV filter. It is also resistant to mechanical damage, chemical substances, humidity, oil or petrol, weather and heat resistant approx. from -30 to +120 degrees. It is washable with water and various cleaners. Special coating stickers guarantees long durability and color fastness and retains 100% of its characteristics even after repeated washing as cars in car wash. 3D sticker can be applied to any hard smooth cast down.

Availability: In stock

Product Versions Price Qty
Sheet (pieces): 1
3D label diameter: 6 in
Sheet (pieces): 4
3D label diameter: 2.75 in
Sheet (pieces): 2
3D label diameter: 4 in
Sheet (pieces): 6
3D label diameter: 2 in
Sheet (pieces): 1
3D label diameter: 12 in

Why our stickers?

  • Our 3D stickers with UV filter are colorfast
  • Our stickers are resistant to mechanical damage
  • Also resistent to chemical substances, humidity, oil or petrol, weather and heat
  • Washable with water and various cleaners
  • Long durability and color fastness
  • Can be applied to any hard smooth cast down


The Pumi is a medium-small terrier-type breed of sheep dog from Hungary. Most Pumis are gray, and any shade of gray is accepted in the show ring. Gray Pumis are born black but puppies usually start graying at the age of 6 to 8 weeks, and the shade gradually lightens. The final shade can be predicted by the color of the parents. Other accepted colors are black, white, and maszkos fakó, which is yellow-brown with a darker mask. This color is known as sable with mask in other breeds, such as the Terveuren. The graying often also affects the maszkos fakó Pumi puppies, and the adults are often just slightly shaded. Other colors are possible, but not accepted for shows. Black and tan, brown, blue, and wolf-colored puppies are born occasionally. The coat is curly, thick, and of medium length, approximately 7 cm long and consisting of a harsh topcoat and soft undercoat. The coat is maintained by combing every few weeks, and trimming every 2 to 4 months. The coat grows constantly (similar to that of the Poodle) and, if grooming is not maintained, the coat may start matting. This breed has little to no shedding (see Moult). The Pumi trademark is its ears, which are always alert and very lively. Ears are high-set and the tip bends down. Ears are covered with longer hair than the rest of the body. The Pumi is a light-bodied, square dog that looks slightly larger than it is because of the thick coat. The Pumi has a long, narrow head. The muzzle is 45% of the length of the head, which is of equal length to the neck. The stop is barely noticeable, and the skull is flat when seen from the side. The eyes are small, dark, and slightly oblique. Movements are lively and energetic, as is the Pumi itself. Male Pumis stand 41 to 47 cm at the withers and weigh 10 to 15 kg; bitches are 38 to 44 cm and weigh 8 to 13 kg.

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Dog breed Pumi

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